He Considers You

Regardless of if you think about God, He thinks about you! He always considers you and would die for you again and again just to say "I love you." How come it's so hard for us to die for Him? We moan and groan when God asks us to get rid of certain hindrances in our lives.
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Committing or re-committing yourself to spiritual growth will bring clarity not only to your life, but also to your roles and responsibilities! After all draw closer to God and He will draw closer to you (James 4:8)...
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Please Be Still

Be still and know that I am God! (over everything in your life). So don't stress, fret, worry or fear. Whatever I bring you to - I bring you through; so wait on MY move!
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Self-destructive or self-productive?

Are you building a better you or constructing your character? If self-restoration is something you have been continuously putting off, you may want to consider this; this month alone 1.8 million have died worldwide and it's not even mid-month yet!
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Those that exhibit selflessness are blessed, while those that exhibit selfishness are stressed! When you consider others, others will also consider you. Do not only look out for your own interest, but also the interest of others
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